Discover Centerville
Kevin Ritter
A one session introduction to the history, culture, and opportunities associated with Centerville Baptist. This is especially important for new folks, but open to anyone wanting to understand and connect with Centerville more deeply.
Affirming Christian Faith
Brian Harfst
An exploration of some of the “basic” Christian beliefs, useful for anyone wanting to deepen his or her faith, particularly those seeking a public commitment to faith and baptism.
Kevin Ritter
Brian Harfst
An annual, 10-11 session prayer and discernment process in which a small cross-section (different each year) of Centerville Baptist seeks God’s will for the church. Not a decision-making group in and of itself, the Dawnings Team presents three to four initiatives to church council for consideration at the end of each Dawnings discernment period.
A Life of Christian Calling
Brian Harfst
A short-term class on the idea of being called by God. By exploring Scripture, history, and our own lives, we consider how we can pay attention and respond to the invitation to live purposefully with and for God.
Spiritual Gifts
Jim and Judy Caldwell
A short-term class designed to help participants explore their unique God-given abilities, personalities, and perspectives in order to enhance their personal ministry.
United in Love
Brenda Weeks
Support group for women of child loss. We know that the loss of one’s child brings out powerful and painful emotions that can only be truly understood by others who have had a similar loss. We are a group of loving women who provide emotional support for each other and meet monthly to share our stories, struggles, triumphs, sorrows, and joys.
Women’s Studies
Pat Dunkley
Susan Burton
Brenda Weeks
This ministry team seeks to help the women in our church family and also in the community to grow spiritually by sponsoring Bible Studies led by Michelle Armagost and Brenda Weeks, to grow socially by sponsoring luncheons, teas, and ladies nights out, and to grow in ministry by partnering with the WMU to support mission activities.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
Kevin Ritter
An informal gathering for sharing community concerns and praises, for praying, and for discussion-oriented Bible study.
Centerville occasionally offers other small groups or discipleship experiences aside from the normally scheduled ministries. We at CBC are open to and encourage new growth ministries. In 2020, Centerville restarted its Discipleship Team to work with CBC pastors and the church to envision and coordinate new opportunities for fellowship and growth.