Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed. Proverbs 15:22
Proverbs 15:22
Centerville Baptist Church functions with the combined help of many thoughtful minds and devoted spirits through the various church committees and operational teams.
Takes minutes for church council and church conference; prepares Book of Reports for church council; posts Sunday school attendance; keeps record of membership.
Constitution and By-laws Committee
Elected every three years to review CBC’s Constitution & By-Laws and recommend updates and changes as necessary to keep it current.
Information Technology Team
Develops and provides oversight for the purchase, use, repair, and replacement of information technology hardware for the church, preschool program, and extended child care ministry.
Nominating Committee
Led by God, prayerfully strives to enlist individuals to fill leadership positions within the church. This includes committee members, ministry team leaders, church officers, and program leaders.
Personnel Committee
Helps to ensure that policies, procedures and processes are in place to support staff and are legally compliant. Supports the pastors and staff, so they have the resources to be most effective in their work, and therefore, the church is better able to achieve its mission.
Audit Committee
Responsible for the required audits of the church, Preschool, and Extended Care financial records.
Benevolence Committee
Stewards for funds received from the congregation to aid those who are dealing with a financial crisis or emergency. Receives requests through deacons or other groups who know of situations within the church family. Also receive requests from non-members who are dealing with a crisis and seeking assistance from local churches. Maintains guidelines to help with the decision process and internally discusses each request to decide on the assistance that can be given.
Stewardship and Finance Committee
Approves and submits a yearly budget for the church, preschool and extended care. Responsible for approving major expenditures that may go over budget. Also responsible for suggesting ideas to put the church in fiscal solvency. The committee has 6 members, including a chairperson, who work with the church treasurer and the pastor. We welcome any contributions from the church body, whether it be your time, talents, or ideas.
The tellers work in conjunction with the Financial Secretary to ensure the accuracy, accountability, and reporting of all church receipts. Weekly, all receipts are counted, verified, and summarized by funds category. Funds are posted to individual accounts, appropriate reports generated, then deposited.
Oversees the church financial processes and procedures and ensures that proper accounting practices are maintained at all times. Provides financial reports to various church committees as requested and provides reports of financial status for the Book of Reports for each Church Conference. The treasurer is a member of the Church Council and is an ex officio member of the Stewardship and Finance committee.
Property Committee
Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. – Luke 12:27
The Property Committee leads the church in the care of all property and buildings. They coordinate with the Properties Maintenance Ministry Team to screen and assign work requested by the church. They also coordinate with the Van/Bus Maintenance, Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Equipment Maintenance/Repair, and Shrub/Landscape Ministry Teams to ensure the vehicles and equipment are maintained and the grounds are properly tended. We can always use some help from people who don’t mind a little sweat and hard work.
Property Ministries:
Wedding Coordinator
Acts as the liaison between the pastor and the bride’s family. Meets with the bride and her mother and simply go over their requests and fill them in on church policies, their responsibilities, and fees. Responsible for opening the church for the rehearsal and wedding and making sure the church is left clean, in good condition, and is properly locked when the events are over.